Sky Hopinka @ Tanya Leighton

©Sky Hopinka
Sky Hopinka: Under the Moon, Beneath the Flowers
9 September – 14 October 2023
Preview: Friday 8 September, 11–5pm
I held an ancestor in my arms, and we spoke of dust.
It’s time to go back to home
to the mounds away from the missions
where they denied our heart and our blood.
Adrift and wandering through prairies and deserts,
belligerent and captive by borders
bound by obstacles made of death and shame.
It’s time to go home, and float breathlessly on currents of willow and pine.
– Sky Hopinka, ‘Sunflower Siege Engine’
Tanya Leighton
4654 W Washington Blvd, LA
Location: California, Los Angeles Type: Exhibition
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